5. They’re Gentle on Our Vital Organs — Heavy drinking has a major impact on many of the body’s most important organs, including the brain, liver, pancreas and heart. Too much alcohol can contribute to irreversible damage and lifelong conditions such as cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, fatty liver, cardiomyopathy, stroke, high blood pressure and pancreatitis. On the other hand, non-alcoholic drinks help keep you hydrated and may even contain vitamins and minerals that your body can put to good use.
6. They Contain Antioxidants — You’ve probably heard that wine is one of the healthier alcoholic beverages because it’s made with one of the more antioxidant-rich fruits. In fact, the antioxidants in red wine, called polyphenols, can actually help protect the heart and prevent heart disease, according to Mayo Clinic. Luckily, most alcohol-free wine options are made with the same grapes or grape blends as “real” wine, so they still contain some of those healthy compounds.