This is arguably the most important part of the process to remember - not just for your customers but for your sales.
I’m talking about EANABs. This acronym, started by the community at Stanford University, has now taken on a life of its own in the mindful drinking community. It stands for Equally-Attractive Non-Alcoholic Beverages. Pretty self explanatory, but the idea is to offer NA drinks that are just as visible, appealing, and available as alcoholic ones.
And this should ring true for restaurant menus, as well. Don’t make your customers ask what your non-alcoholic options are or, worse yet, for your server to have to go “ask the bartender” what they are.
It should be apparent on the menu, preferably next to your regular cocktail menu, and contain more than two options. Some restaurants have even taken to putting the non-alcoholic menu first on the drink menu to really even the playing field and show there's no shame in their zero-proof game.
How can your customers order off the menu if they can't see it?
If the menu isn’t visible, it makes the customer feel otherly for even having to ask about it and they less likely to order off of it, opting instead for an option they don’t have to ask about (water, soda, etc.).
So shout it loud and proud from the rooftops - We have an AMAZING non-alcoholic menu and we WANT you to order from it!
If you do want to put it on a separate menu, these should still be included with every menu drop or at every table and be sure to get creative with it!
I once heard of a restaurant near the water on the East Coast that’s non-alcoholic menu was called “The Paddle Board Menu”, which I thought was just genius! What a way to make someone feel special for ordering off the NA menu and to show that you took the time to craft this menu and considered your customers’ choice to drink however they want.
Once you have a fully fledged non-alcoholic drink menu, please please please refrain from putting “Coke, ice tea, and coffee” on this list.
Yes, they are technically non-alcoholic and no, they don’t belong on a “mocktail” or “non-alcoholic” drink list. This is a menu you have carefully created, considering the adult palette, and it deserves to shine in that light.