As we head into the final week of Women's History Month, we wanted to go out with a bang!
Staying on theme with good-for-you trends and empowering the amazing women in our life, we want to enlighten you on the secret superpowers of stout beer!
As we head into the final week of Women's History Month, we wanted to go out with a bang!
Staying on theme with good-for-you trends and empowering the amazing women in our life, we want to enlighten you on the secret superpowers of stout beer!
That's right! Did you know stouts actually have several health benefits, specifically for women? And what's more, making it a non-alcoholic stout nixes all the unhealthy side effects that come along with the typical boozy ingredients.
For all our beer loving women out there, you can now have your beer and drink it, too!
Here's what's in your delicious stout beer:
According to The Good Health Center in the UK, “Stout contains nearly twice the amount of antioxidants found in light-colored lagers. Stout is packed with flavonoids, the antioxidants that give fruit and vegetables their dark color.”
Stout beers are known for being high in calcium, which we all know from our ‘Got Milk?’ ads is essential.
Calcium builds strong bones and improves bone mineral density, lowering our risk of osteoporosis. It also enables our blood to clot, helps our muscles contract and keeps our hearts beating. Sounds like a pretty important mineral, right?
Because of hormone changes throughout different stages of life, women run a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. So grab a Stout and get to sippin’, ladies!
Did you know three pints of stout will give you roughly the equivalent of a single yolk egg and contain 3% of an adult’s recommended daily dose of iron?
Iron is an incredible mineral which helps our blood carry oxygen through the body and therefore boosts our energy levels up! Again, because of things like menstration, pregnancy, and childbirth, women are more likely to be iron-deficient than men.
Though beer should never replace or substitute the minerals we get from food, it's nice to know that a non-alcoholic Stout won't be doing you any damage either!
Earlier this year we found out from the World Health Organization that no amount of alcohol is actually “healthy” or “safe” for us. So how do we get all the good parts of beer without the bad ones?
As WHO says, “It is the alcohol that causes harm, not the beverage.”
Cue Grüvi Mocha Nitro Stout!
With the slightest amount of lactose sugar for sweetness and a delicious natural mocha flavoring, our non-alcoholic stout weighs in at just 90 calories a can.
Not convinced that Stout is your next best purchase yet?
Check out this 🔥 new NA St. Paddy’s Whiskey Stout cocktail recipe.