Drink Outside The Box This Dry January

What is Dry January? Just a month-long challenge party that's centered on giving up booze (or cutting back) and living your best life.

This Dry January, we’re challenging you to drink outside the box.

It’s easy to do the same things we’ve always done — sticking to old habits, keeping stale routines, and making mundane choices that always leave us wanting more.

In 2023, it’s time to mix things up. Whether that’s as simple as trying a new workout class or as major as pursuing a new career, we’re ready to see some change this January.

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Trying something new can be hard and scary. That’s why we’re not letting you do it alone — the Grüvi community will be here for you all month long, supporting your efforts and growing alongside you, starting with Dry January.

When’s the last time you went 30 days without alcohol? For most of us, it’s been awhile. And that means we probably don’t realize how much consistent drinking is impacting our everyday lives.

It’s normal to consider drinking an expectation. In pop culture and most social circles, sipping booze is simply the status quo. But everyone knows that normal is boring and we’re anything but that.

How to do a successful Dry January


1. Rely on a support system. You're going to want a support system, whether that's friends, family, a significant other, somebody who's going to support you and encourage you in making this change — somebody who's going to help remind you why you want to do this.

2. Find someone to do it with you. Whether it's your partner, a friend, or a family member, doing Dry January is easier if you're not doing it alone. Connect with someone that you can do it with, because it's good to have that encouragement and that motivation.

3. Write down your goals. Maybe you want to have more energy on the weekends, be more present with your family, be more focused at work, or focus on exercise. Whatever your reasons are for doing Dry January, you should write them down somewhere. Identify what your goals are so that on the days that it's tough to stick to your commitment, you can reflect back and think, "Maybe I don't want that drink because I want these things so much more."



4. Clear the bar (or swap in some NA options.) You don't have to pour it all down the drain, but see if you can store your bottles at a friend or family member's house for the month. That way, you won't be tempted to pour a drink just because it's there. But you don't have to go thirsty! Stock your fridge with Grüvi and stay sippin' all month long.

5. Keep yourself busy with alcohol-free activities. If you're used to meeting up for happy hours with friends or unwinding with a glass of wine each evening, you'll want to find alternatives that don't involve drinking. You can see if your friends would be willing to meet for coffee instead, or take a meditative walk to end your day.

Everything is better with friends!

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Throw a booze-free party with craft mocktails

Dry ≠ Boring. Don't believe us? Mix up a mocktail or two and you'll be ready to give up booze for good!

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